SSDLC: Overview of Our Security Practices for Software Development, SAST, DAST, Secure Source Code, etc.

Enhancing Software Integrity: Implementing Robust SSDLC Practices for Secure Web Development

Below is an overview of the security practices we deploy in our software development process:

  • Laravel Framework: We develop our web applications using the Laravel framework, which includes various inbuilt modules to eliminate vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, CSRF attacks, XSS, etc. Additionally, we keep our framework up-to-date to ensure we have all the latest security features.
  • Safe and Secure Code Writing Practices: Our guidelines require developers to adhere to specific coding standards. Most of the code is manually reviewed by team leads to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
  • Vulnerability Scanning Tools: We periodically use scanners to check for vulnerabilities in both the front end and back end. These include, Bitninja, Acunetix, Burp Suite, Nessus, and Nmap.